Better Boss


Bigger Vision


Brighter Future


Better Boss - Bigger Vision - Brighter Future -

Want to meet the boss?

This is our simple candidate experience. We believe in simple, to the point. You can expect the following steps if you decide to send your info.

And how would you join our incredible team?

  1. Find the position that fits you best right here.

  2. Send us your resume, nothing fancy. A brief review of what you’ve been doing in the last couple of years will do. 

  3. You’ll get some feedback no matter what. A brief email or a phone call awaits you. 

  4. We like you? You’ll get a brief contact call to confirm if the fit is right for you, and for us. 

  5. You’ll join us onsite, either on deck or at the office to chat with the boss. Yup, he likes to choose his staff himself. 

  6. You start on Monday! We’re kidding unless that works for you too