Pride Masonry

Since 2003

Taking pride in your work is what sets greatness apart from mere goodness!

What Sets Us Apart

Customer satisfaction and reputation is more important than short term gain for us

We care about what we do and who we do it with

We are reliable and easy to work with

Our business structure promotes self motivation by rewarding efficiency and enforcing accountability

We get the best customers because we have the best workers. We get the best workers because we have the best customers.

What Sets Us Apart

  • We care about what we do and who we do it with

  • Costumer satisfaction and reputation is more important than short term gain

  • Our business structure promotes self motivation by rewarding efficiency and enforcing accountability

  • We get the best customers because we have the best workers. We get the best workers because we have the best customers.

What we stand for …

What we do

We create opportunity for our partners.


We believe that our partners success is the key to our own.

How we do it

While never compromising on our values and standards, we establish partnerships with good organizations and great people to create value for both by leveraging our experience, skills and resources.

Our Journey

Create a strong network of partnerships that will ensure our customer’s, subcontractor’s and employees prosperity & wellbeing.

Our Core Values

Driven By Pride

Focused On Relationships


We take pride in our work and reputation. We strive to be the best and to keep improving. 


We understand that our biggest worth and resource is the people around us and the relationships we have with them. Trust is the foundation to build and foster healthy relationships and partnerships.


We take ownership on delivering not only on our commitments but also on our responsibilities.

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Do you play to win?

Come play with us!

Whether a seasoned masonry contractor or fresh out of school and looking for a career, our experience, network, skills and resources, can help you work your way up and take ownership of what suits you, whatever the scale.

Opportunities of growth are just one part of the fun here. Our work culture is all about learning and growing through real work experiences. Cause that’s what a real career looks like: growth and fun.  

Better Boss - Bigger Vision - Brighter Future

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